Past Lot Information
Lot 1001
Real Estate
General Sheet Metal REAL ESTATE Property Details: TOTAL 22,000 sq. ft.
This property is located in the Rath Industrial Area - Brown Field Redevelopment:
The City offers Free land and tax rebates for industrial developments in this area - negotiable per project (based on value and jobs). The City has approximately 6+ acres of industrial land in this area, and there is also private land within the TIF district. The City will grant the equivalent of "free land" through tax rebates for development occurring on private land with this area.
THESE Lots were combined and given current Parcel # 8913-25-426-012: BUILDING 1 used to be 215 Rath Street - Lot 10; Morning Side Addition, Lot 10, Blk 3, SE 10’ Lot 11 Blk 3; Originally Parcel # 8913-25-426-005; Built 1940 - 5680 sq feet includes bathroom/small office in front. BUILDING 2 - 217 Rath Street - Lot 9: Morning Side Addition, Lot 7 Blk 3, Lot 8 Blk 3, Lot 9 Blk 3; Originally Parcel # 8913-25-426-004; Built 1939 - 4840 sq feet including 2 bathrooms, 1 with shower; 1 office newly remodeled approx. 20' x 25'. WAREHOUSE - Lot 8: 11,3000 sq feet -built/1980. GARAGE - Lot Lot 7: Built 1975 - 480 sq ft; Paved 1980 / VACANT LOTS - Lot # 4 & Lot #5: Approx. .33 acre total; Morning side addition Lot 4 Blk 3, Lot 5 Blk 3; Parcel # 8913-25-426-00.