Auction Information

Auction Description

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TOOLING AUCTION - Monday, March 22 - Beginning at 9:00 AM
LOCATED AT: Hilpipre Auction Co. Facility
2862 Wagner Rd., Waterloo, IA

Everything sells like is, as is, where is. No warranties or guarantees are in effect whether expressed or implied. All Sales Final. No refunds or returns.
PAYMENT: US FUNDS ONLY - Cash, Cashier check, Credit Card with additional 3% fee.

We will only accept a check if it is accompanied with a Letter of Credit from your bank stating you are in good standing and the bank would honor your check. Further, if you have an excellent standing with the auction company we will not need the letter of credit. You will be able to write a company check.
Additional terms for credit card charges: There is a NO CHARGEBACK PROVISION. Bidder / Buyer agrees he/she will not, under any circumstances, initiate a chargeback; waiving such rights that may exist under the agreement between the bidder/buyer and credit card companies. The buyer/bidder further agrees should a chargeback be initiated, the bidder/buyer terms and conditions will be conclusive evidence of the bidder’s waiver if a chargeback is successful, the buyer remains liable for the purchase price, plus cost of collection, including attorneys’ fee.

Buyers’ Premium applies of 18% on all webcast purchases.
Buyers’ Premium applies of 15% on all onsite purchases.

Payment details:
ALL PURCHASERS - Once you receive your Invoice PLEASE Email us how you will be paying and schedule in-person pickup: we MUST receive an email or phone call by Tuesday, March 23 by 9:00 am. on what form of payment you will be using: Cash, Cashier check, or Credit Card with additional 3% fee, or Approved company check.

For IN-Person payment: Cash or Approved Check payment: Payment and pickup to be made at our office, Hilpipre Auction Co., 2862 Wagner Rd, Waterloo, IA.

IN-PERSON Payments to begin TUESDAY, MARCH 23.
Doors open 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM: Tues., March 23, Wed., March 24, and Thurs, Mar. 25. All items MUST be removed no later than Thurs., March 25 by 4:00 pm

FOR REMOTE PAYMENTS: We will begin to process CREDIT CARD Payments on Tues., March 23 beginning at 11:00 am. We will add the additional 3% handling fee. We will use the credit card your registered with. NOTE: All remote payment buyers: We will not be doing shipping. Please contact us to schedule an pickup appointment. All items must be removed by Thurs., March 25 by 4:00 pm

The catalog descriptions are entered for your convenience. The auctioneer assumes no responsibility for typographical or other errors which may appear herein (on each description, other information). All descriptions, machine specifications and serial numbers, etc., are believed to be correct but are used only as a guide and are not guaranteed.

Announcements made day of auction supersede previous announcements.

Buyer assumes all risk of loss at the time of the item is sold. The relationship between the Auction Co. and buyer is not bailment. All Merchandise is sold as is! Where is! No warranties are in effect!!

All lots are selling BY THE LOT. We have listed within the description the approximate quantity, but that number is no guarantee. The buyer will be buying whatever is in the lot. The bid on each lot will be the quantity of “1” x the $ amount. For example, the quantity is listed as “1” and your bid is $10 it means $10 x 1 = $10 for the lot (this total bid is prior to the applied buyers’ premium of (18% webcast purchases or 15% buyers’ premium for onsite purchases) plus 3% credit card fee for credit cards users. The buyers’ premium will be added to your total when you are invoiced).
Overview TERMS (see below complete terms):
NOTICE TO WEBCAST BIDDERS: All terms are in effect. Please read them completely prior to registering online.
For Webcast bidding BEAWARE:
DO NOT rely on the audio of the auctioneer. The sound can be 1 to 5 seconds delayed.

Do Not hesitate to bid when clicking your bidding device.

The auctioneer has the sole discretionary power to, but not limited to: bid increments, bid calling, determining which bidder and the amount of sale for each lot.

